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1. Morality



Good manners and friendly behavior is the backbone of our Clan, without them we are just a bunch of fools!

"Morality is the bone that gives firmness and stature. Without bones the head cannot rest on top of the spine, nor hands move nor feet stand. So without morality neither talent nor learning can make the human frame."



2. Courage


 Stay active competitively in the SC2 Ladder system! Gather 50 SIC points throughout each season. A 1vs1 will add 1 (one) point while a team game will boost them by 0.5 (half) point. Points are awarded only for ranked games. Results of these games are irrelevant.

"True strenght is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart."


3. Benevolence


Be kind to your fellow Clan member and players alike, help out if you can by providing info, practice time or any other means!

"Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity, are traits of Benevolence, the highest attribute of the human soul."


4. Respect


Written, verbal, racial, ethnical or any other means of  act of offensiveness is prohibited and punishable by banning from the Clan!

"By constant exercise in correct manners, one brings all the parts and faculties of his body into perfect order and into such harmony with itself and its environment as to express the mastery of spirit over the flesh."


5. Honesty


Hacking and the usage of other tools to manipulate the game is highly disapproved and will lead to banning from the Clan!

Be sure to visit our                  page as well.

"There is no right way of doing something wrong!"


6. Honor


There shall be no illegal act of any sort permitted in this community.

Exercise our clan's code at all times non- and [SIClan] members alike !!

"Conscience is the sentry of virtue and righteousness"



7. Loyalty


This shall be your only Clan or leave in betrayal and shame!

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!"


8. Character


By wearing the [SIClan] tag you agree and expected to follow all our virtues and to teach/remind our fellow members of the ways of the Strategic Innovation Clan!

"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." 


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